So here is my brief and so not perfect explanation of the day (obviously this is history and every source changes the details but I think this will give you a decent idea with very few details because that can get too confusing)... Way back when there was a pagan festival on November 1st called Samhein. It was from the Celtic culture and it stood for the lord of the dead. It was believed that on that day a veil between this realm and the spiritual realm was lifted. People feared the roaming spirits and dressed up in evil costumes to scare them away. As you can see Halloween has a lot of ties with that old pagan festival and I do not believe if it were still Sanhein any of us would participate.
BUT... the good news is that the church, who celebrated All Hallows or All Saints day in May, thought the pagan festival was not a good thing and like they had done with many other pagan festivals they tried to put a holy day on the same day to redeem it (it worked a lot better with Valentines Day and Christmas) So All Hallows, a day to honor people who gave their lives for the gospel/Christ, was moved to November 1 as well and October 31 became "All Hallows Eve" which is where we get the term Halloween.
So with that information I hope you can choose to celebrate the redeemed day in a way that honors Christ and consider avoiding things that closely resemble Sanhein and instead focus on people who are in heaven that set a great example to us and deserve to be honored.
Here is an AWESOME book, from Focus on the Family, with way more details and TONS of FUN ideas!
Chapters like...
Underground CHurch Party
Movies, Memories and Monsters
Doors of Opportunity
Fear-Not Party
Harvest Boxes
All Saints' Day
Luther's Legacy
and more... it is a HONOR HIM ALWAYS MUST HAVE!
Thank you Amy, this was well written. I've been in the process of figuring out how our family celebrates Halloween too. We're looking forward to it.
Keep up the good work on your blog. You are going to a blessisng to many. I am so proud of you and you are a blessing to me. Love You, Mom
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