October 31st, 1517 is the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the door of castle church in Wittenberg, Germany. This was the beginning of what is known as the Protestant Reformation and has had a huge impact on the world in many ways. I want to encourage you to learn more about this day and to celebrate it. This was the beginning of common people having access to God's word and people were learning to read just to know for themselves what it says. This began the realization that Salvation is a gift given to us.. not something we can earn or buy!
"Through faith alone in Christ alone” began to be heard all over Europe. The reformers urged people to transfer their confidence for salvation from the church and its religious traditions to Christ alone. They encouraged people to read the Bible. They also preached that the Bible should serve as the Christian’s final authority. Could there be a better reason to have a party! It is estimated that about half of the people who call themselves "Christians" worship God in a church that couldn't even be here if it were not for the events of this day!
How are we all (myself included) so focused on Halloween when this day stands for oh so much more! I challenge you (and me) to learn more about this day and to celebrate it. Start simple... look up the facts and learn them. Then next year, when you have more time to prep, have a "Reformation Party"... that could be just you as a family or you could invite others to come join you. Also if you are someone feeling convicted to avoid Halloween you could use this as a time to reach out and change the focus. To be a light we have to be seen!
Here are a few ideas to make it a celebration...
- Listen to German music
- Eat German food
- Dress up in Renaissance attire
- Learn and Play Luther's battle song... A Mighty Fortress is Our God
- Have a castle building contest
- Play Hide the Heretic (Hide and Seek)
- End the Indulgences
- Bible Relic Contest (Have kids make or find something and sell why theirs is best)
For more info on these games and to get more ideas check out:
The moive "Luther" would be worth watching as well. I found it extremely interesting and educational. If I could change things about it I would but over all I learned a lot from it. It is rated PG-13 so this might not be the best thing for the whole family but I would recommend seeing it.
Okay, I don't know about you but I am going to make this a focus in my home this year. Not sure how yet but when I figure it out I will let you know. If you have any great ideas or input be sure to let me know!
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