Friday, October 31, 2008
Discussion Box
Discussion Box is just a decorated box, bucket, tin or plain old bowl full of questions. We keep it on our dinner table and each night different kids draw out a question. Then we go around the table answering the question. It really helps us parents not to talk about "grown up" stuff and leave the kids out. It also helps the kids learn about each other and us. Most importantly though... it gives everyone a chance to share their thoughts and feel special. I usually change the questions based on the theme of the month... Here are some good November/Thankful questions to give you an idea of what we do.
- Name something about each family member you are especially thankful for.
- What food are you most looking forward to at Thanksgiving and what food are you hoping isn't on the table?
- Tell us a story of a time you felt God used you to be a blessing in someone else's life.
- If you were on the Mayflower what would have been the hardest thing for you and what might you have enjoyed?
- Would you rather be an Indian or a Pilgrim? Why?
- Do you think we spend enough time talking about the effects the pilgrims had on the natives of America? What do you think are some effects we should always remember?
- Think of a creative way we as a family could bless a group of people in need this month?
- Would you rather dress up like an Indian and do a tribal dance for our family on Thanksgiving OR dress up like a pilgrim and sing a hymn for everyone?
This is one tradition your family might enjoy in November (watch out... the kids might not want to stop after Thanksgiving). In fact even if I run out of questions in my box the kids still say "Can I do discussion box" and that means they get to make up a question. We have had so many wonderful conversations with each other based on these kinds of questions and I would encourage you to give this a try! DO NOT forget that this is not a teaching time for us as parents... it is a time for our kids to share their hearts! KEEP IT FUN!
Fun Fact... this is how I told my husband and kids we were expecting baby #4. I filled our box with several papers that all had the same question typed on them. The question was this... Babies are such a blessing from God! How do you feel about the fact that God has blessed us again with another baby growing inside moms belly? I had asked Kyle to read the question and as he read it he started laughing... then he looked at me and saw tears in my eyes. He quickly got up and gave me a big hug. Adia started asking what was going on and then dad read the question to the kids and we all laughed and had a wonderful evening talking about the baby we would soon meet. Now Adison is 2 and that is such a precious memory for us all!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Reformation Day
How are we all (myself included) so focused on Halloween when this day stands for oh so much more! I challenge you (and me) to learn more about this day and to celebrate it. Start simple... look up the facts and learn them. Then next year, when you have more time to prep, have a "Reformation Party"... that could be just you as a family or you could invite others to come join you. Also if you are someone feeling convicted to avoid Halloween you could use this as a time to reach out and change the focus. To be a light we have to be seen!
Here are a few ideas to make it a celebration...
- Listen to German music
- Eat German food
- Dress up in Renaissance attire
- Learn and Play Luther's battle song... A Mighty Fortress is Our God
- Have a castle building contest
- Play Hide the Heretic (Hide and Seek)
- End the Indulgences
- Bible Relic Contest (Have kids make or find something and sell why theirs is best)
For more info on these games and to get more ideas check out:

Okay, I don't know about you but I am going to make this a focus in my home this year. Not sure how yet but when I figure it out I will let you know. If you have any great ideas or input be sure to let me know!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Just Say NO!
Book Recommend:
"We choose to make this a solemn night of prayer and intercession for the lost and those deceived this night…we circle up and approach the throne of Grace together as a family…and set aside all the “fun”…for one night. I believe in the long run…it will stick in their hearts and minds far better than substituting or attempting to redeem an evil day."
Our family too will spend a part of Halloween evening praying for the people that come to our door but the difference is that at this point I feel led to keep the door open. I can totally understand where she is coming from though and wanted to share her idea with those of you more comfortable staying out of Halloween altogether.
Halloween night our family actually continues on our "Missionary Month" theme with getting a new book on a Missionary and trying to read it in one night (starting when the doorbell rings for the first time). Last year we got DC Talks book on Martyrs (it's a bunch of great short stories) and it was huge so we were really discouraged that we didn't even make it a 3rd of the way through before I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. So far Adia wants to stick to that one again but I want to reach the goal and get a new (short) book. We'll see.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pumpkins, Pizza, Parables and Parties!
Okay, this is more for the younger kids but I believe that any tradition you start that the kids enjoy young they will also enjoy as the grow older just because it's a "tradition" and that makes it fun!
Did you know carving a pumpkin is a perfect parable for our walk with God. First we are full of yuck, then he cleans us/forgives us and then he fills us with his light to shine and attract others to Him. Wow! Sounds so obvious once someone points it out huh? It may seem weird to turn carving a pumpkin into this but as I have shared so many times in the past if we are going to have symbols put in front of our faces all the time why not think of FUN ways to make them always draw our hearts and thoughts back to God. I can't guarantee where or how my kiddos will spend Halloween or Fall all their lives but I can bet you that it will be hard for them to ever carve a pumpkin when they are older and not think about the plan of Salvation!

So those are 2 books I highly recommend that are based on that concept to read as you empty out your pumpkin and learn about Salvation at the same time. We do it different each year. Sometimes we read each step of the story as we follow the process with our pumpkins and sometimes we read the book the day we plan on carving pumpkins with dad when he gets home. The first one is geared to I would say 2-5 year old and is written as a short rhyming story. While the second starts with a farmer lovingly planting, caring for the seed and is much more of a story. They both have verses on each page to go along with it as well.
Don't forget this is still supposed to be fun and simple... no being all serious and making them sit quietly around you while you read in monotone!
Also, since we are supposed to be lights for Christ my oldest daughter always carves a candle into one of our pumpkins... it's another fun reminder what this is all about and what we are called to be (a smiley face can be a good reminder too!). And don't forget scary pumpkins are very similar to that pagan festival I told you about a few posts ago.
Pumpkin Party:
If you have lots of energy this year then have a pumpkin carving party and let your kids invite friends over to join in on the fun... maybe invite some kids who don't come from Christian homes and this could be a way to introduce them to the gospel. Just don't do it over your tile without putting something down and don't let them put their feet in the pumpkins... you will be finding seeds all over for days to come... yes, I learned that lesson the hard way! And my husband did say "I told you so" about 50 times!

Or you could read the story and let them decorate a pumpkin instead (doesn't really reinforce the point but it's still fun). I know there are a lot of little ones (girls especially) who think cleaning out a pumpkin sounds super yucky!
And you can decorate pumpkin cupcakes with the theme... SMILE JESUS LOVES YOU!
Pumpkin Day:
So for us... we are turning pumpkin carving day into a holiday of it's own. We will have pizza, pumpkins, parables, pumpcakes and a family pumpkin party the week after we go to the pumpkin patch. I'm not up for making a huge event out of it but we might have to get another family involved to spread the love and the fun!
Let me know what you do!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Hall of Faith
If you are just visiting it makes more sense to read the previous post first!
One fun thing we do each October is have a Middleton Family Hall of Faith. THis is a fun way to honor people who have given their lives for Christ and it is something the kids and I really enjoy.
All we do is hang a big bulletin board and each family member that understands the concepts can induct someone they want to display. We put a picture of the person or the country they lived in, why they are inducted and who chose to induct them.
Some examples from this year:
Who:Teenage girl in China (From the Martyrs Book)
Why:Because she wasn't afraid to say she loved Jesus even though it cost her life.
Inducted By: Adia
Why: Because I love Jesus and want to follow Him.
Inducted By: Avery Middleton
Okay, so Avery didn't really die for Christ but she was so sure she should be inducted and I just couldn't tell her no.
What is Halloween Really About???

So here is my brief and so not perfect explanation of the day (obviously this is history and every source changes the details but I think this will give you a decent idea with very few details because that can get too confusing)... Way back when there was a pagan festival on November 1st called Samhein. It was from the Celtic culture and it stood for the lord of the dead. It was believed that on that day a veil between this realm and the spiritual realm was lifted. People feared the roaming spirits and dressed up in evil costumes to scare them away. As you can see Halloween has a lot of ties with that old pagan festival and I do not believe if it were still Sanhein any of us would participate.