Instead of candy why not give something their moms might actually let them keep this year. Kenyon gave out pencils with a note that said... Kenyons "write" you are AWESOME! The ones pictured show a different saying but I realized it sounded funny and changed them.

Adia being 10 and very emberassed to give boys anything lovey decided to make stress balls (balloons full of corn starch) and attach a not saying... Don't STRESS - I'll be your friend!

For the girls she made bracelets (strips of ribbon hot glued to felt - then she added velcro circles to make them attach) in a bag with a candy ring and the note said "I'm all wrapped up in this friendship" and some said "This friendship has me all wrapped up".

Avery went with the candy and made candy filled rocks with an attached note saying "Friend - you rock!". These were a bit more time consuming and messy but lots of fun. You take small candies, wrap them in tissue, wrap that in foil and then dip it in prepared plaster of paris - when that dries you paint them to look like rocks. We made our red and pink rocks to stick with the theme. Also to make sure people knew to break them open we put them in a bag that said "Break Me".
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