One fun Christmas tradition is giving your children annual ornaments. Each year pick an ornament out for them that reminds you of them (specific to that year). We give ours to the children the night we put up our tree. We actually wrap them and hand them out at random then the kids have fun guessing who's is who's. This year we gave our oldest daughter one with a big monkey bathing a little one and our baby boy who began walking at 6 months got a superman onesie. I think I am also going to start writing them a letter as to why this ornament was chosen for them and give them the letters someday when I give them their box of ornaments. My mom did this for us growing up (minus the letter) and I still see my "annual ornaments" and they make me giggle because of the silly memories they bring back. I have about 3 different raccoon ornaments and my kids think it is funny because anyone who knows me would never describe me as an animal person but there were a few years that I was obsessed with them! Plus when I first got married it was so nice to have 21 hallmark ornaments to start my tree off with that had meaning. My kids even know a bit about me growing up from the ornaments that I doubt I would have thought to tell them otherwise.